When you look at Colossians 1:27 (which includes the words “Christ in you the hope of glory”) in light of the full gospel of the Kingdom (and not just 2/3’s of the gospel currently taught in the modern church), what do you find?
Well, like all of Scripture, you’ll find the christ this verse beginning to reveal its full meaning.
For instance, when the Apostle Paul writes:
“Christ in you the hope of glory!”
He does so with a clear mind about the middle third of the gospel message that is no longer preached in today’s churches.
You ask, how do we know this?
Simple. If Christ had not initiated His “New Creation” between the cross and the resurrection, your body would be in no state to receive the inner dwelling of Christ. That’s right, there would be no Christ in you the hope of glory!
Indeed, for the Apostle Paul to have written these words “Christ in you the hope of Glory” your body must have been changed!
In reality, your body became, through the work of Christ as shared in the middle third of the gospel message, a new creation in Christ, through Christ, by Christ.
Now this new creation which you become in, through, and by Christ, is a part of the new heaven and new earth implemented by our Lord.
A new creation of both heaven and earth that must needs be accomplished before you are a fit vessel to receive the inner dwelling of Christ. Remember, there is no Christ in you the hope of glory before the cross!
(This is all foundational teaching within the middle third of the gospel of the Kingdom, that portion no longer being preached in today’s churches!)
So, consider again Paul’s writing of the words “Christ in you the hope of Glory!” but now in the context of the new creation implemented by Christ that Good Friday directly after the cross and prior to the resurrection…
Can you see the context for the foundation of your becoming a fit vessel to receive the inner dwelling of the Christ?
Friend, this is your true calling… to see the full blessings of Christ as brought to you through the glorious work of Christ… even the Victory He won in the depths of Hell that Good Friday some 2000 years ago.
I can make you this promise: As you learn more of this middle third of the good news of Christ, all the Bible will begin to open up to you in powerful ways that you never before imagined possible, even as with this verse “Christ in you the hope of glory!”
And the practical power of your salvation will grow by leaps and bounds as you see more and more the practical power of Christ in you the hope of glory!